Thursday, December 08, 2005

She is 9 days old and just slept through a night!

Little Gracie is 9 days old today and she just slept through her first night(well she woke to eat once). Zac and I were so thankful. Yes, we know that she can switch back to being up at night but we are hoping that this lasts for a couple days. Zac returns to the work force tomorrow. I myself am not sure when I will return, I am kinda going stir crazy already just sitting around the house.
We are getting fairly good at changing diapers and making bottles. Not to mention keeping her fed, luckily she is on a 2 1/2 feeding schedule and wakes up on her own ready to be changed and fed. What I good life.
Lewie, our dog, is adjusting well to having her here. He has to "inspect" her everytime we move her as well as keep a close eye on her when she is crying. I know he is alittle jealous but he is coping well. The cat and the ferret could care less about her. They live in their own little world.
Hope you all enjoy the pictures. I hope this blog is looking better I am still learning.
Love you all
Kristy and Zac

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