Tuesday, December 27, 2005

4 weeks old today.

Good evening everyone. Gracie and I had a nice day at work today. She allowed me and Zac to have a full night's sleep last night except for feeding so I was able to get us to work before 9:30 am. Ithink she may have gotten too much sleep because she has been awake all day and alittle fussy. But the sleep was nice, hopefully it will continue, keep your fingers crossed for us.
It is hard to believe that Gracie is 4 weeks old today, time sure flies. I am sorry that the pictures aren't that great but she was so comfortable I just took a couple to update the blog. As you can tell by her shirt she is resting up so she can be the best "social butterfly" she can be.
Hope everyone had a great holiday, I myself am rather happy it is over with. I am ready for things to get back to normal and get a schedule set for my little butterfly.
Take care and enjoy.

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