Monday, May 28, 2007

This weekend....

Happy Memorial Day everyone! We had a nice long weekend. I had to work Saturday and some today but we still were able to have a full weekend of fun. We took Gracie to the beach on Sat. but she wasn't really interested in the water, just the sand and all the people.
She is feeling better finally. Just alittle bit of a runny nose. She is running around right now like a wild monkey. I tell you I don't know where kids get all the energy but I wish they would share some with their parents.
Gracie has decided my oven mits are great play toys this week. She has also decided she likes to be wrapped up in her bath towel after bathtime. She is developing her own little personality and watch out cause she is gonna be something!
We are gonna try to get Grace to sleep in her toddler bed tonight. Wish us luck. Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Enjoy!

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