Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Daycare a few days and now I am sick....YUCK

Gracie started daycare last week! She seems to be loving it. She has already started to talk alittle more and it seems that words are becoming more clear. She has fingerpainted and made an excellent collage picture with stickers(this is proudly displayed in my office now).

She however has also caught an aweful cold. I don't think she has ever been this sick. She has been running a fever since Thursday and has a nasty runny nose. Now she has a little cough to go along with it. Although she is still in a good mood we can tell she feels bad.

On top of that she is cutting yet another tooth. At this rate we should have a mouth full of teeth by the end of the summer.

Enjoy the pics and I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

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