Monday, May 28, 2007

This weekend....

Happy Memorial Day everyone! We had a nice long weekend. I had to work Saturday and some today but we still were able to have a full weekend of fun. We took Gracie to the beach on Sat. but she wasn't really interested in the water, just the sand and all the people.
She is feeling better finally. Just alittle bit of a runny nose. She is running around right now like a wild monkey. I tell you I don't know where kids get all the energy but I wish they would share some with their parents.
Gracie has decided my oven mits are great play toys this week. She has also decided she likes to be wrapped up in her bath towel after bathtime. She is developing her own little personality and watch out cause she is gonna be something!
We are gonna try to get Grace to sleep in her toddler bed tonight. Wish us luck. Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Get Well Soon...

I I am starting to think we all will be sick forever. Gracie is starting to feel a little better. We took her to the doctor and he prescribed an allergy medicine and something for her sinus infection. Zac is still feeling alittle down in the dumps and I haven't felt well since last night. Hopefully, this week will pass quickly and we all will be better for the holiday weekend. We hope. It is rough when everyone is feeling icky.

Today we took Gracie outside for a bit. It has been such a pretty weekend and we have been too sick to enjoy it. She of course went straight for her pool, I bet my bath water is cooler than the water was in it but she insisted on getting in. Of course, she likes to get in then climb out over and over again. The main thing is she had lots of fun.
Yesterday we attended a meeting with the daycare we had enrolled Gracie in. Turns out they had alittle problem with moisture that has required them to do some MAJOR renovations. So, we have about 3 weeks until they will be up and running again. Anyone have 3 weeks they can spare to come to NC and watch a cute little girl?lol.
Have a great weekend(well what is left of it) and Enjoy the pics.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our little artist

Our little Grace is quite the artist. She has done a few pictures with stickers and a finger painting at daycare. So, while we were home on Tuesday I thought hey I have some stickers and she has some markers so let's see what we can make. Daddy and Mommy both have a great picture from their little girl hanging in their offices. What an important day! We are just so proud of our little Gracie. We can't imagine what we did without her.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Thank goodness it is almost Friday.

Zac's new job is going well. Gracie still has a cold. Hopefully, it will end soon. And my work week wasn't bad at all. But we are all looking forward to the weekend.

Enjoy the pics! I tried to upload more but the site is not working right, so here are two. I will try to load the others later!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Daycare a few days and now I am sick....YUCK

Gracie started daycare last week! She seems to be loving it. She has already started to talk alittle more and it seems that words are becoming more clear. She has fingerpainted and made an excellent collage picture with stickers(this is proudly displayed in my office now).

She however has also caught an aweful cold. I don't think she has ever been this sick. She has been running a fever since Thursday and has a nasty runny nose. Now she has a little cough to go along with it. Although she is still in a good mood we can tell she feels bad.

On top of that she is cutting yet another tooth. At this rate we should have a mouth full of teeth by the end of the summer.

Enjoy the pics and I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!