Monday, March 19, 2007

Swingsets and the beach, warm weather is close.

This weekend wasn't very warm but that is why we have warm clothes right? After searching the stores for a small swingset we finally found one on Sunday. We were so proud of ourselves because we were able tot put the swing together in about 20 minutes*usually these projects take a LONG time for us).

Sunday evening we decided that since the sun was out we would take Gracie to the beach. WOW! Zac and I had to take turns keeping her out of the water and on the shore. She is fast for her age. We have decided we will have to invite several people with us this summer when visiting the beach because she had us out of breathe quick, we had to call it quits after 25 minutes.

Another great weekend at home. Enjoy! Sorry there aren't many close ups. When she is outside she rarely slows down long enough for a picture!

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