Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Where is your.....

Where's your feet? Here they are!

Where's your eye? Here it is!

Where is your nose? Here it is! LOL! Had to share, hope you all get a good laugh and a big smile. Love you all.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Outside fun!

Gracie loves to be outside. We can't keep her in anymore. But it is a new experience. Last year at this time we couldn't really take her out alot because of her age so we are having lots of fun with her being able to walk and run.
We are planning to bring out the little plastic pool this weekend since the weather is going to be so nice. I will be sure to take lots of pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Swingsets and the beach, warm weather is close.

This weekend wasn't very warm but that is why we have warm clothes right? After searching the stores for a small swingset we finally found one on Sunday. We were so proud of ourselves because we were able tot put the swing together in about 20 minutes*usually these projects take a LONG time for us).

Sunday evening we decided that since the sun was out we would take Gracie to the beach. WOW! Zac and I had to take turns keeping her out of the water and on the shore. She is fast for her age. We have decided we will have to invite several people with us this summer when visiting the beach because she had us out of breathe quick, we had to call it quits after 25 minutes.

Another great weekend at home. Enjoy! Sorry there aren't many close ups. When she is outside she rarely slows down long enough for a picture!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Gracie is almost 16(months that is)

We have been really lucky this weekend and have had great weather. We took advantage of the extra daylight and stayed outside all day. Her daddy got her car put together so she played with it for awhile. Right now she is just enjoying running around investigating stuff. Yesterday she was trying to chase down a little lizard. She was patient and waited a few minutes until it came out of it's hiding space but it was too quick for her and got away.
Hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Three little cutie pies.

We went to Sears yesterday and had pictures taken of the three girls. They did so well with the photographer. We are still in VA for a couple more hours but will be on our way home soon.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Madison and Savannah

Madison is 5 months old and Savannah is almost 2 weeks old! Madison is in pink and Savannah is in purple! More pics to come!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Just a few pics

Hey everyone. Just wanted to share some pics. I know you all are wondering how Gracie is doing since the whole dog bite incident. She is doing really good the bites look like they are healing well too. The one on her brow still has the bandages on and per the doc's order we will wait till they fall off. I can see the bottom of the mark and it looks really good. The one on her nose looks like it is healing well. We will be able to start putting the Mederma on the scar soon once it is all healed up.

Gracie is doing great. She is going full blast now with running. She is so clumsy. I think that she will add a few scars to the once she has soon. She is always hitting her head on things and running into things. I think my heart drops several times a day because of her. Gigi and Grandpa Alex are gonna have their hands full in 6 weeks when we visit! Does those last two pictures look like me or what. I was like oh my, I so make that look:-)Enjoy!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

What a wonderful weekend!

AHHHH! That is all I can say. We have had such a great weekend. Gracie and I went to the park on Saturday and she played with all the little kids. She climbed, she ran, she slide and I pushed her on the swing for a LONG time. She was so tired, she took a 3 hour nap!

Today, her daddy's day to plan. So we went to the aquarium and Gracie ran around pointing at all the fish. She was having a great time. We had lots of fun! We came home and played in the yard for a while, it wasn't as warm as Saturday so we didn't stay out too long.

I did not take any pictures though. This weekend I just enjoyed playing, usually it is me taking the pictures and missing out on some of the fun. But I will find something to post for you picture junkies.

Thanks to everyone who has spoken with us concerning the dog bite incident. We love and appreciate all the advice and support. The wounds look like they are healing nicely. In a month this will all be forgotten. Although, I hope she decides to wait a few years before the next set of stitches cause this one has definitely given me a few gray hairs! Thanks again!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

One stressful week....

If you read the previous entry you all know about Gracie's booboo. Yesterday we went to the doctor and she had the stitches removed. She of course did great! The doc said everything looks good. He put some butterfly strips on the wounds to help keep them closed alittle while longer. Once they fall off on their own then we won't have to put anymore bandages on them. But it makes the wounds look so BIG. I will be happy once we can get everything healed up and this whole ordeal out of our minds. I have a couple pictures to share. One of her with the stitches and one of her with her butterfly bandages. Then I have some others of her just being Gracie. I think she will grow out of these scars. We are gonna take the advise of the doctors and GiGi and treat the scars with some ointment and keep sunblock on them and hope for the best.