Wednesday, January 04, 2006

5 weeks and one day

5 weeks already? Time is going so quickly. Gracie is doing great. She is really starting to show her personality now. She is a very relaxed baby for the most part. She has gotten really good at smiling and she will make sounds that almost sound like a laugh when she is excited. She will be laughing at me before I know it. We are still having great luck with the new thicker formula. She continues to sleep through the night, working on our 12th day of good sleep. I hope we stay lucky. Her swing continues to provide her with entertainment when she grows tired of her mommy and daddy in the evening. Although, the swing was bought second hand and may just be on it's last leg. The thing makes a crazy grinding sound and the music plays when it wants and you have to kinda push start it. So, hint hint to anyone who wanted to buy her something but didn't quite know what to get. Enjoy the pictures!

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