Monday, January 30, 2006

8 weeks

Hello everyone. Gracie is doing great. As you can see she can lift her upper torso up with her arms. We have a doctors appt. tomorrow to get her first round of shots. I hope that it goes well. I will probably take the day off so we can be at home. Enjoy the pictures, sorry I haven't posted lately.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Our first adventure in the baby bath tub

Well Gracie is too big for the bathroom sink and too long for the kitchen sink. So, we pulled out the baby tub. She was so good. She didn't cry or anything just kinda had a "wow, this is nice" look on her face. The sleeper she is in is a 3-6 month old, she is just too long for the 0-3 sleepers. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Crib bound...

Hello everyone. Gracie and I had a nice relaxing day today. Zac didn't have to go to work until noon so I got to sleep in, hooray! We took Gracie for a quick stroll in the neighborhood, it was about 74 degrees. Then Gracie, Pop-pop Mike and I all went to town. We went to Geffory's and spent alot more money than I had intended. But now Gracie has a great little noise maker for her crib. SPeaking of cribs I am trying to slowly get her use to it. She has been doing well. Her and I go into her room for a little everyday to get her use to it. Well, enjoy the pics and I will talk to everyone later.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Visiting with Great grandparents Jerold and Katy

Gracie met her Great grandpa Jerold and Great grandma Katy Wednesday. Her great grandparents traveled over 700 miles to visit with her! We were able to visit with them through dinner last night and breakfast this morning. We were sad they couldn't visit longer. Hope you all enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

7 weeks

Our little Gracie is 7 weeks old today. Here are some pics of her trip to S.C. this weekend. She had lots of hugs from the Johnson family. Next trip will be to VA. Enjoy.
The "old man" is Gracie's Pop pop Mike and I have already introduced you all to Gammie Johnson. All the others pics were just taken today.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

First visit with Great Gammie Johnson

We all know Grandma Johnson refuses to be called "Granny" so Aunt Pam suggest we call her Gammie. So, until Gracie can decide what she wants to call her we are going to stick with Gammie. It was a great day for both Gracie, Gammie and everyone else. Seeing the look on Gammie's face was priceless. Gammie is at home today to enjoy more of Gracie. Zac and I had a chance to stop by a hotel to use their wireless internet so I could send a quick picture. Enjoy!

Monday, January 09, 2006

More pictures

Here is the other pics I wanted to post. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Okay sorry to upset but I can't get all the pictures to up load today. So here is 2 to tickle your taste buds and I will post 2 more later. Sorry.

5 weeks and days

Gracie and I have just been hanging out at home trying to get a schedule set for us. We are still doing well with getting some longer hours of sleep at night. She has had a couple nights where she fights sleep but eventually Mommy wins and rocks her to sleep.
She is really getting good at focusing on objects now. She will sit in her swing and watch the mobile that is above her head. I can lay her on the floor with her mat and she enjoys looking at the objects, it unfortunately does not have music that plays continuously so it doesn't hold her attention as long as the othe mobiles. Last night she was put to sleep in her bassinet and tha tis where she stayed. It was nice to sleep without her beside me but yet it was pretty lonely too. I know you aren't supposed to let babies sleep with you but we all know that you will do anything for sleep during the first few months.
She is growing like a weed(hint hint to those who haven't got to hold her), she is really progressing quickly. People at work are all amazed at how alert she is. I think having her there is really providing her senses with lots to do and it is helping her develop her skills faster.
Well let me get to the good stuff, I hope you all enjoy the picutres as always. Gracie was particularly camera friendly today to I had tons of poses to choose from. Her is Gracie lounging on the couch, one in her bassinet, and some of her on her floor play mat. ENJOY!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

5 weeks and one day

5 weeks already? Time is going so quickly. Gracie is doing great. She is really starting to show her personality now. She is a very relaxed baby for the most part. She has gotten really good at smiling and she will make sounds that almost sound like a laugh when she is excited. She will be laughing at me before I know it. We are still having great luck with the new thicker formula. She continues to sleep through the night, working on our 12th day of good sleep. I hope we stay lucky. Her swing continues to provide her with entertainment when she grows tired of her mommy and daddy in the evening. Although, the swing was bought second hand and may just be on it's last leg. The thing makes a crazy grinding sound and the music plays when it wants and you have to kinda push start it. So, hint hint to anyone who wanted to buy her something but didn't quite know what to get. Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Getting good at swinging

As you can see Gracie has become a pro at the swing. She can focus on the objects that turn above her head. Just couldn't resist posting these pictures. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New year,new pictures

Not much to write,just some photos. Happy new year from us all.