Friday, August 24, 2007

Coloring fun!

Yes, Gracie's new past time is coloring. This new found love was helped along by her GiGi who came out and spent a week with her. And what an exciting week. GiGi and Grace spend alot of alone time together because Zac and I had to work alot, but I don't think GiGi minded one bit.
Gracie is definitely getting alot better at talking, she can say a few more words just since last week(again thanks to GiGi).
Okay, just wanted to share some pics. Do ya'll think I should be worried about Gracie and her obsession with the phone? I mean when you wake up from sleeping just to grab the phone open it up start talking and then fall back asleep is that the warning signs of addiction????lol. Enjoy!

Hello? Who is there? Don't you kow I am trying to sleep???lol.

1 comment:

bayzmommy said...

Look how precious she is. I love her on the phone while sleeping. I think you better go ahead and sign her up for her very own teen line :) She is growing so much. Kisses to Gracie.