Wednesday, July 04, 2007

July 4th

Hello everyone! Just wanted to share some pics from our July 4th. Pop pop Mike turned 51 today. We took him out to Captain Charlie's to eat and then we stayed down town Swansboro to enjoy the fireworks. It was a great show!
To all ya'll wondering how Miss Gracie is doing, she is getting better. For those who don't know she had an inner ear infection, upper respiratory infection and possible eye infection. All from triggered from her allergies. But the meds are working great and she is getting back to her old happy self.
I think she has been so sick she forgot about the 4 teeth coming through. We have been almost 3 weeks with a pacifier! Yay!
Last weekend we went home to see baby Madison and baby Savannah. Can you believe I did not take one pic? I sure didn't I was too busy loving on those two babies. I really hate they are so far away.
Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. Guess it is back to the daily grind for the remainder of the week.
Love you all and Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

GREAT pictures, Gracyn is getting so big! Thanks for sharing, happy 4th guys! ~Sara