Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jumping jack flash

What a week! Gracie learned how to jump this week. It is her favorite thing to do. She can get about 2 or so inches off the floor.
She is at that age where she is in to everything. If she gets quiet you know to go look for her and see what she has found. She still loves her books and has gotten quite fond of "Cleaning" the house. We bought her a vaccuum today. Too bad for me that it doesn't really work:-).
I've included a pic of my two nieces. Savannah can already smile and roll over and Maddy is crawling and pretty close to walking. Time sure does fly by huh? Enjoy the pics.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Just a fun flashback of Gracie the one on the right is Gracie 1 year ago today and the one on the left is from this weekend.
1 Year ago she wasn't crawling and had 0 teeth. Now she is running and jumping with 16 teeth.
Where does the time go?
Don't ya just wanna squeeze her? Love you all!

Lots of fun in short weekends...

Wow! Weekends are just too short! We sure are trying to make the most out of each weekend but they are just too short.

We have been hanging around the house and spending lots of time with our little girl. Gracie is growing up so fast we just want to ever minute we can with her.

She is learning so many words now it is hard to keep up with her. She loves to read. She still isn't too interested in t.v. so that is good for now.

We were successful in getting rid of the pacifier and now we a thinking on how to start the potty training. I have been looking up potties on the internet and there are just so many!

Okay on to the pics. Hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

July 4th

Hello everyone! Just wanted to share some pics from our July 4th. Pop pop Mike turned 51 today. We took him out to Captain Charlie's to eat and then we stayed down town Swansboro to enjoy the fireworks. It was a great show!
To all ya'll wondering how Miss Gracie is doing, she is getting better. For those who don't know she had an inner ear infection, upper respiratory infection and possible eye infection. All from triggered from her allergies. But the meds are working great and she is getting back to her old happy self.
I think she has been so sick she forgot about the 4 teeth coming through. We have been almost 3 weeks with a pacifier! Yay!
Last weekend we went home to see baby Madison and baby Savannah. Can you believe I did not take one pic? I sure didn't I was too busy loving on those two babies. I really hate they are so far away.
Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. Guess it is back to the daily grind for the remainder of the week.
Love you all and Enjoy the pics!

July 4th