We are really loving having these lazy weekends. We have learned the value of family time!
We got tired of chasing Gracie(she was going over to the neighbors to jump on their trampoline). So, we went and bought her a small trampoline with safety net. She now stays in her own yard(yay). She is so funny, she is really interested in this whole jumping thing so even when she is out of the trampoline she tries to jump. She will stand on anything and try to "jump" off it. She is still in daycare and doing fine. If we can just keep her from being sick all the time it will be great. She is still on her allergy meds and that seems to be helping out alot. She is a little pro at pointing at most of her body parts. And her new animal is a "caow"-that's a cow to those who haven't do not speak fluent toddler(lol). So, we now have dog, cat(drags this one out with her tongue out) and cow. She also is really good at telling herself no when she is doing something she knows she shouldn't be doing. You just hear her saying,"No, No No No." How can you not laugh? This parenting stuff is hard! And I am gonna get whoever showed her how to twist apart an Oreo and lick the cream out and cast the cookie aside! I will be observing everyone to find the one responsible for all the poor Oreo that are being wasted because I can't convince her that the cookie is just as good as the cream! Enoy the pics!
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