Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I forgot about the beach.

I forgot about going to the beach! We took Gracie down to South Padre to the beach. We will admit that the beaches here are alittle different than ours on the Crystal Coast. It seems we came here on one of the few weeks that seaweed takes over the shoreline. Not only was the seaweed everywhere, the smell was BAD! But we found a place that a small path had been made and had some fun in the sun. Of course, the water is still alittle cold for our likings but we let Grace play a few minutes in a shallow pool of water. Then we played in the sand and buried her up to her arms, what fun! Then we realize there are no places to wash off so we had to use the sand bucket to rinse her off, she was NOT happy. But it was still a fun time.

Plus, a trip to Texas just isn't a trip without one picture of someone in a cowboy hat, so here it is! Enjoy!

Gracie's first visit to a zoo

Hello everyone! It is hard to admit but our vacation is almost over. It has been a great vacation! Today Gracie had her first visit to a zoo. I must admit it was one of the better zoos I have ever been in and I think us adults enjoyed it just as much as Gracie did. Of course, Gracie labeled everything a "dog", big or small. We had a lot of fun in the petting zoo, a camel decided Gracie's pigtails and her shoes were tasty snacks. Enjoy!

Friday, April 20, 2007

More pictures from Texas

Vacation is finally here!

We started our vacation on Wed. We started from Jacksonville Airport and flew to Atlanta, had a long layover there and then flew straight to McAllen Tx. Gracie did so well on the flights. We lucked out and she slept for the first half of both flights. The second flight was not full so we were able to get a whole row to ourselves leaving 4 seats for her to play in. She was great and we had alot of compliments on how well she did, everyone was amazed it was her first trip. We are hoping the trip home will be just as great.

We arrived to GiGi and Grandpa Alex's house and it seems like Gracie has always been here. She loves the backyard(so do Zac and I). Ardy and Alex have done an amazing job out there. They installed a tree swing for Gracie so she is in heaven out there. They have a great little dog who has been great with Gracie. She is very well behaved and Gracie seems to like her. There are lots of birds in their backyard and they have some ducks that come right up the walkway to eat. We all are enjoying ourselves.

Okay on to the pictures. I picked out a few to post. I love the ones with Gracie and her grandparents and of course we all laughed at the ones of Gracie crawling through the doggie door. She is too funny sometimes.

Hope all is well with everyone. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! I hope that everyone had a great Easter. We decided not to get Grace a basket this year because her GiGi had sent one to her so we figured that would be enough. She was super excited about all the goodies she found inside. So, thank you GiGi for making this an easy Easter for us. We were able just to enjoy the day and that is worth ALOT in my book.

Zac found a great little park right down the road from us so we went there today for alittle while and let Gracie run out some energy. I think our energy level depleted much quicker than hers. We are counting down our days until vacation I think we all need this time to reconnect. This will be our first vacation since Gracie was born. Enjoy the pictures! I love the one with her trying to gather all her eggs up. She decided picking them up and handing one to either Zac or me was okay but she would much rather have them all in her arms. Very cute!

What Miss Gracie has been up to...

Miss Gracie has been quite entertaining here lately. She is constantly finding things to do to entertain herself. She has learned how to "draw". She really likes to take care of her babies so I brought out her bassinet and she decided she wanted to play in it without the babies.
Her and kitty puss were quite interested in the package that came all the way from Texas for them. I tell you they are both too curious for their own good. They probably looked at that box for a good 15 minutes and that is a record for them...lol.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Our little redneck...

Gracie is proving to be her daddy's little girl. She loves anything with wheels and loves to try to fix everything even if it isn't broke.
She is getting so tall. She can pretty much reach anything and if she can't reach it she will climb to get it.
She is currently cutting 4 of her molars. Not a real fun time but it is going fine. We have found the only thing that really calms her is a binkie. So this little teeth cutting event has made us back track on the getting rid of binkies but once the teeth are through and not causing her pain then the binkie will slowly disappear again.
We sure are enjoying all the great weather we have been having. We have been spending the majority of our time outside. She loves just to wonder around talking.
Tonight we are trying to see if Gracie will watch a movie, we have chosen Finding Nemo and so far she is interested, it has been 10 minutes...
Take care and enjoy the pictures.