Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas everyone. We had a wonderful evening last night with our best friends and their kids. And this morning we had a great time opening presents with Gray. We will be heading to Myrtle Beach around lunch time to go visit Gray's grandma and grandpa Johnson.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Love you all! Enjoy.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Recap 2010....

1. Face painting is still something Gray always wants done when we visit the fair, circus, local festivals or in this case Bush Gardens.
2. We are always trying to take Gray to different places, this summer we took her to the Marbles Kids Museum in Raliegh! It was great and I highly recommend it if you are close to Raliegh.
3. Gracyn is obsessed with horses. She has this sixth sense and can track them down if we go somewhere that has pony rides! We just had Gracyn's fifth birthday party today and she and all her friends had the chance to ride ponies! It was great fun and exhausting all at once. Okay, I promise more pictures soon!

Hey everybody! I am so sorry that I haven't kept up with this blog. This year has been a time for us to focus on enjoying life and somewhere I just forgot to post the pictures to keep everyone else up to date. But have no fear, I have lots of pictures! It may just take me while to get some posted.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Alligator adventure with Grandpa Dave and Memaw

We took Gray down to Myrtle Beach on the day after Christmas to spend some time with David and Wanda. We went shopping which is always a Johnson favorite and then visited Alligator Adventure. It turned out to be a semi-warm day and we were able to walk the entire park without catching frostbite! Gray loved all the animals as usual and was able to pet a baby alligator, a turtle and a snake. It was a fun day for us all! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I know we did. Love you all and enjoy!