Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daddy's Day!

Hope everyone had a great Father's Day to everyone, I know I am late :-)
Isn't Gray just the cutest thing.

Daddy's day!

Fort Fisher gave us our Father's Day fun. Gray loves all the fish, no so much the ride. It was a great day to celebrate how great the Dad's in our lives are. Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another birthday party at Chuckie Cheese

Let me start by saying that Jacksonville must have the smallest Chuckie Cheese in the USA but it is still the number one pick for parties! Gray and I went to a b-day party at the cheese last month. Yes I am slacking and just now getting the pics on the blog. However, I have posted 3 new blogs today and that should make up for my slow month.
Hope everyone is well and I miss you all.

Our princess

Gray is really into the princess thing right now. Between the dresses and the jewelry we are going broke with this new love. But she makes one mighty cute princess Gracie. Not to mention it is great to see her dance around the living room like she is at the ball. Anyone got any custome jewelry they don't want?
Don't make fun of our hair in the one pic, we had just got home from a ride in the jeep with the top off.

Swimming fun.

You can call her Graybug I call her my lil waterbug! Gray is still a big waterbaby. She loves to swim. We bought her this great swim suit that has pockets that you slide the floats in. So, the less you blow them up the more she has to work to keep afloat. I am betting she will be doing it by herself by the end of the summer!