Friday, April 17, 2009

circus night

Nicole, Bri, Gray and I all went to the circus last night. What fun! The girls absolutely loved it! They rode ponies, a camel and an elephant. It was fun for us big girls too! It was loads of fun, Enjoy the pics!

Circus fun!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here comes Peter Cottontail, Lol!

Gray and her basket of goodies the easter bunny left for her! She loves all of her dress up jewlery, very

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day with their loved ones. Gray has had a fun filled weekend with lots of egg hunts, rabbit meeting and candy. Hope you enjoy the pictures and the day! love you all!

Monday, April 06, 2009

more Fun day pictures!

Grandpa Alex, I am happy to report that she wanted nothing to do with the clown that was making balloon critters at the festival! She just had this funny look on her face, I think she prefers you! I myself was pretty impress with him, he was playing some AC/DC and dancing around, maybe you could add that to your act??? ;-)

Gray and Bri wrangled this big ole dino while we were at the festival. Luckily they were able to charm it and it wasn't hurt! The girls are still BFF's and I will admit they are so good while together, I constantly ask to watch Bri just so I can have some down time! I think they should make some energy drinks for parents of toddlers!

Love you all!

Family Fun Day!

Gray and I went with Nicole and Bri to a local family fun day on Saturday. Gray had her face painted, rode a pony and went through this maze thingy! She is quit the competitor. I know the Johnson's will be happy to hear that this gene has been past on. Zac will have to start her some training on putt-putt soon. LOL. Hope everyone is well! I know we are enjoying all of this great springtime weather!

Love you all!