Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009!

Christmas 2009! A wonderful day! Gray was excited when she found the horse that Santa left her on the front porch. :-) It has been a nice lazy day for us. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Christmas also! Enjoy!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Just for GiGi.

Gray said to send you some pics of her and her birthday so here ya go. She loved her gifts you sent. Enjoy!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Gray's Birthday at Chuckie Cheese!

Just a few more pics of the birthday party. It is hard to believe that she is gonna be four in just a few days.

Gray's birthday at Chuckie Cheese

We had Grays' birthday with her BFF BRi this Saturday! We had a load of people show up and hang out with us! We all had fun and just took the chance to enjoy the kids and our friends! Happy Birthday Gray and Bri!

Here are the pictures from Grays' birthday party at chuckie Cheese! Zac and I want to thank everyone that came out to help us celebrate and again we apologize for the short notice!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Princess Gracyn!

I never thought the trick-or-treating was so tiring until this year! Gray and Bri had a blast!

Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Patch time!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gray's GiGi made this purple princess dress...

We love you GiGi Grandmother!! LOL. Gigi made this princess dress for Gray to wear on Halloween. Can't wait to go trick-or-treating. Hopefully she will NOT have a cold this year! Yes, I know she had two diferent shoes on, she was gonna run outside to get something she forgot in the no she didn't eat something sour, she was showing me how to wink since I am basically the only person on earth that can not wink.Enjoy!

Some pics of Gray.

Not much to report. Life is keeping us busy but I had a few minutes to click some pics. Enjoy.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Some new pics..

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. I just thought of this website and realized how I had not put up any pictures since July! That I think is a first for me, to go that long without posting pics of Gray!
Things have been busy this summer. We have been trying to fit in little trips here and there. Last weekend Gray and I went to VA for a quick weekend. We went to the Natural Bridge Caverns and were able to take Maddie along. We had lots of fun, the girls were pretty good while touring. Gray is such alittle booger these days, she knows how to push my buttons and she does a really good job of it most of the time. But she is still the most wonderful little girl I know. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Love you all and miss you more. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daddy's Day!

Hope everyone had a great Father's Day to everyone, I know I am late :-)
Isn't Gray just the cutest thing.

Daddy's day!

Fort Fisher gave us our Father's Day fun. Gray loves all the fish, no so much the ride. It was a great day to celebrate how great the Dad's in our lives are. Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another birthday party at Chuckie Cheese

Let me start by saying that Jacksonville must have the smallest Chuckie Cheese in the USA but it is still the number one pick for parties! Gray and I went to a b-day party at the cheese last month. Yes I am slacking and just now getting the pics on the blog. However, I have posted 3 new blogs today and that should make up for my slow month.
Hope everyone is well and I miss you all.