Monday, December 29, 2008

Memory game in my new flannel gown!

Gray is learning how to play memory. We haven't got it down pat but we are working on it. Her GiGi made her a wonderful flannel night gown. She has been wearing it for the last two nights. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. I know Gray did. She recieved great gifts and was able to see a lot of her kin folk. Who could ask for more! Enjoy!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

gray at the Mexican restaurant

Gray loves the Christmas tree at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It has this great little village scene set up. Everytime we go there she is more interested in playing with it then eating. there is this little figurine that she moves each time she goes. It is funny cause each time we go back she remembers where she put it last. She is so excited aobut Christmas. Asking each morning if it is Christmas yet. She is so cute! hope all is well, More pics to come soon!

Monday, December 01, 2008


I took Gray to visit with Santa. This year she was ready to go up there and tell him that she had been good and what kinda gifts she liked! It is hard to believe she didn't want to even go near him last year.

Happy 3rd Birthday Gracyn!

Gray is now 3, seems like she should still be only 1. Where has the time went?
Hope all is well, love you all