Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fun times with the girls...

I finally just had enough time to download some pictures from last weekend and from this weekend. Last weekend Brianna stayed the night with Gray. What a great pair these two girls make. They are so much fun to be around.
Yesterday Sam, Maddie, Gray and I all went to the park. Gray and Maddie had lots of fun, us mom's were hoping it would wear them out so bed time would come early, we failed miserably.
And last but not least my little diva has decided that this year the layered look is in. She has continuously dressed in several layers. Saturday when we went to the beach she had on her bathing suit, then underwear over that, then a sun dress then a t-shirt. I couldn't find a camera or I would have posted a picture of it. She is so funny! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day Weekend and a great farewell to summer cookout! Enjoy!

Finally, she is driving her Escalade!

We purchased a power wheel escalade for Gray at the beginning of the year. She drove it once and that was it. But today, to my amazement she and Maddie hopped right in there and off they went. Of course, Sam and I didn't realize that we had the thing in high gear until we were both out of breathe from running beside the thing and turning the wheel. Toward the end both girls were much more in control and of course us adults had found the slower speed. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Best Friends are the Best!

Gracyn and her BFF Brianna have been spending alot of time together, at their own requests! Nicole(Bri's Mama) and I are amazed at how much these little girls love one another. I mean it is funny, while they are together in the house they really don't play with one another, they are always in the same room though. Outside they are like two peas in a pod. They both love to run and jump on the trampoline. And they both love the beach. We took them down to the beach last night and they were so funny. They were trying to catch those little tiny birds that run along the shore. I tell you all that Gray is gonna be a track star, she will just run and run down the beach.
Last nite, once we got home the girls were still super excited so Nicole who had to work at 7 am Saturday morning was tired. I suggested we let Bri stay over nite. This was gonna be Bri's first time away from Mama and Daddy overnite since she was 9 months! Well, to make a long story short Bri played herself to sleep, never even realized she wasn't going home. Gray past out about 15 minutes before Bri did. I on the other hand was ready for bed about an hour or so before them.
They are super sweet girls and I am so thankful they have one another! So, I totally blanked last nite and didn't take any pics. But the above pics are how they slept all night. If one moved the other moved too! So cute!
One more thing before I go. Gray is completely potty trained. Even overnight! No diapers for about 3 weeks now. And NO accidents either. Daddy and Mommy are very excited!
Love you all and Enjoy!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hanging out with Best Friend Bri.

We had an extra little girl all weekend. Bri is one week older than Gray and boy do they have fun together. It actually wasn't too hard to watch them both, but I would NOT want to do that on a daily basis. Let's just say i will definitely sleep well tonight! Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Mix match day at Daycare

No, I promise I was not asleep when I got Gray ready for school this day! Her daycare has water day and school spirit day every Friday. Last Friday it was mix match day. So, she was all mixed up!!
She is doing so well in school. Hard to believe she will be 3 in just a few months.
Hope everyone is doing well.