Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone! We had lots of presents to open this morning! Santa was really good to the Johnson family this year. Gray's auntie Sam and auntie Megan came to visit this weekend with their two little girls Maddy and Savannah. We took all three girls to the aquarium to see all the fish. They were too cute running and crawling around. Then we went to our neighbors on Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and eat, and this morning Pop Pop Mike came over to exchange gifts. Now we are getting ready to go back to the neighbors to eat Christmas dinner. What a great weekend! I have been fortunate and had the chance to spend the season with my family and my friends. Who could ask for more? Have a wonderful day and enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

Gray decided she could help hang the ornaments this year. Of course several of the branches have more than one ornament but that is just the way it will stay:-)
Hope everyone has had fun getting in the spirit of the season. I know this year has been alittle tough on us but we will pull through.
I know the one pic is really off on color, that of course was my fault. My model did everything I asked but I had the camera on the wrong setting.
Oh, we went for Gray's 2 year doc appointment and she is 30 lbs and 2 foot 11 inches! She was such a big girl letting them prick her finger for blood and get 3 shots.
Love you all and Enjoy the pics!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Over the bridge and through the border to Mexico we go....

Well, Gray has officially been out of the good ole USA. While in TX during Thanksgiving GiGi took us over to Progresso, Mexico. I think the most fun was seeing Gray look at the big chicken statues at the border.
Thanksgiving and Gray's second B-day went well. I must say I am considering moving her birthday party up a few weeks next year. Having her birthday so close to Thanksgiving is alittle tougher than I thought. Too many worries about the holiday and not enough thoughts about a little girls birthday.
Hope all is going well with everyone. I promise to be alittle better at posting pics. Things have been alittle hectic around here.