Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Playing ball...

Just a few pics for everyone. Gracie is feeling better now. Hopefully, she will just keep getting better and better. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Enjoy!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Sept. 14

Gracie is feeling much better. We found out Tuesday that she had a UTI and a bladder infection. So, she is on antibiotics and seems to be doing much better.
Hope this week has been good to everyone. I know I am personally glad that it is Friday and the weekend is almost here! Love you all! I promise to post some more pics soon.
No comments on how the movie clips were liked. Come on I know you all loved them!lol!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Dancing queen

I am really wanting this movie clip to upload properly. Gray has been quite the dancer lately and I have so many clips on my computer but am having lots of problems uploading them. If this goes through I will try a few more. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Labor Day fun with family!

Just some pics of Gracyn and her cousin Maddy! Maddy will be one this month! We were soo excited to see her this weekend. We went to the aquarium, the beach and Fort Macon. Lots of fun for one weekend!
Gracie is doing great. Talking up a storm in her own language. She used her potty for the first time on Friday, very exciting day for Mommy and Daddy. Hoping the training continues to go well. Wish us luck. Enjoy the pics and enjoy your Labor Day!