Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How Quickly Time Goes....

Hello Everyone. I am so sorry I haven't been posting the blogs as often as I used to. But now Gracie is walking she keeps us on the go. Not to mention once she sees me sit in this chair she knows it is time to type. Gracie has learned a new trick, walking backwards! Michael Jackson watch out! He walking backwards looks like she is trying to do the moonwalk, it is pretty funny to watch. She is trying to talk but doesn't have many words down pat yet. These pics are from last week. She was alittle sick but it didn't slow her down. She is quite the climber. I haven't found much that she can't climb, and she has no fear right now.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Okay Gracie is definitely aquired her Mommy's temper. She is starting to test the waters and see what a temper tantrum will get her. We are trying to teach her that having a tantrum won't get her what she wants. I can't believe she is already having them though. And it is so hard not to laugh....Here she is doing one, she just lays on the sloor and cries then looks up to see what you are doing.....I think we are gonna have our hands full

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The latest hair trend....

How cute are the first times you realize the little girl has enough hair to put in little pony tails. Just had to share. I have been trying to fix her hair in the mornings so she gets used to having her hair touched. So far she is really good about sitting still.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

DO we have some Italian in our bloodlines?

Okay, had to share. Gracie is learning to use a fork right now. We have a long ways to go before she will master this skill, but it is fun to watch her try!
It has been COLD here the last couple days so we had to bring out the warm clothes again. She doesn't seem to mind the hat as much as she did a couple months ago.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Gracie's new blue jean dress!

Okay I had to share how cute she looks in this blue jean dress! As you can tell she is really trying to figure it out. It wasn't her normal shirt and pants. Enjoy!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Just wanted to say hi to everyone and post a few new pictures. Not to much new gong on with Gracie. Just recovering from all the Holiday traveling. Gracie is officially weaned from the bottle...yay! She actually did really well, hardly seems like she misses it. We went to VA last weekend and she didn't even pay attention to Madison when she would have a bottle. Now, hopefully the pacifier will be as easy to get rid of. Here some pics of Gracie's new hair do(it is just long enough to make a little Peeble's do), a couple pic of Zac and her sharing a snack and Gracie with an ornament(that later hit the floor and shattered).Till next time..Enjoy.