Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone! We had lots of presents to open this morning! Santa was really good to the Johnson family this year. Gray's auntie Sam and auntie Megan came to visit this weekend with their two little girls Maddy and Savannah. We took all three girls to the aquarium to see all the fish. They were too cute running and crawling around. Then we went to our neighbors on Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and eat, and this morning Pop Pop Mike came over to exchange gifts. Now we are getting ready to go back to the neighbors to eat Christmas dinner. What a great weekend! I have been fortunate and had the chance to spend the season with my family and my friends. Who could ask for more? Have a wonderful day and enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

Gray decided she could help hang the ornaments this year. Of course several of the branches have more than one ornament but that is just the way it will stay:-)
Hope everyone has had fun getting in the spirit of the season. I know this year has been alittle tough on us but we will pull through.
I know the one pic is really off on color, that of course was my fault. My model did everything I asked but I had the camera on the wrong setting.
Oh, we went for Gray's 2 year doc appointment and she is 30 lbs and 2 foot 11 inches! She was such a big girl letting them prick her finger for blood and get 3 shots.
Love you all and Enjoy the pics!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Over the bridge and through the border to Mexico we go....

Well, Gray has officially been out of the good ole USA. While in TX during Thanksgiving GiGi took us over to Progresso, Mexico. I think the most fun was seeing Gray look at the big chicken statues at the border.
Thanksgiving and Gray's second B-day went well. I must say I am considering moving her birthday party up a few weeks next year. Having her birthday so close to Thanksgiving is alittle tougher than I thought. Too many worries about the holiday and not enough thoughts about a little girls birthday.
Hope all is going well with everyone. I promise to be alittle better at posting pics. Things have been alittle hectic around here.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Nemo, Nemo it is all about Nemo.

Hi everyone. Just wanted to post a couple pictures before we head off for Thanksgiving Day vacation in Texas. We will be leaving on Wednesday and returning late Monday.
As you can all see Gray is pretty envolved with Nemo these days.
It is so hard to believe that she will be two in just 10 days. Where did the time go?
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Hope you all have a great Turkey day and fun shopping afterwards!
Love you all!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Monkey Business

Okay our second Halloween was so much fun. Gray was all about going to houses and getting candy. A few times she lingered so long the people let her dig in and get her own candy. I told Zac I bet she is gonna try to get the monkey suit out again and go get more candy! We kept taking the candy out of her bag and she would look in it like hey this was heavier a second ago. She is our little monkey!! I wish everyone lived closer on days like these!
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Playing ball...

Just a few pics for everyone. Gracie is feeling better now. Hopefully, she will just keep getting better and better. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Enjoy!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Sept. 14

Gracie is feeling much better. We found out Tuesday that she had a UTI and a bladder infection. So, she is on antibiotics and seems to be doing much better.
Hope this week has been good to everyone. I know I am personally glad that it is Friday and the weekend is almost here! Love you all! I promise to post some more pics soon.
No comments on how the movie clips were liked. Come on I know you all loved them!lol!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Dancing queen

I am really wanting this movie clip to upload properly. Gray has been quite the dancer lately and I have so many clips on my computer but am having lots of problems uploading them. If this goes through I will try a few more. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Labor Day fun with family!

Just some pics of Gracyn and her cousin Maddy! Maddy will be one this month! We were soo excited to see her this weekend. We went to the aquarium, the beach and Fort Macon. Lots of fun for one weekend!
Gracie is doing great. Talking up a storm in her own language. She used her potty for the first time on Friday, very exciting day for Mommy and Daddy. Hoping the training continues to go well. Wish us luck. Enjoy the pics and enjoy your Labor Day!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Coloring fun!

Yes, Gracie's new past time is coloring. This new found love was helped along by her GiGi who came out and spent a week with her. And what an exciting week. GiGi and Grace spend alot of alone time together because Zac and I had to work alot, but I don't think GiGi minded one bit.
Gracie is definitely getting alot better at talking, she can say a few more words just since last week(again thanks to GiGi).
Okay, just wanted to share some pics. Do ya'll think I should be worried about Gracie and her obsession with the phone? I mean when you wake up from sleeping just to grab the phone open it up start talking and then fall back asleep is that the warning signs of addiction????lol. Enjoy!

Hello? Who is there? Don't you kow I am trying to sleep???lol.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Whirlwind Ride called Gracyn

She is just too much sometimes. Straight out of the bed and already full of fun. The other morning I was folding some laundry while she was still asleep, I went into another room came back and she had decided to "dress" herself. She had several shirts on one arm, 2 pairs of my underwear up around her waist and the biggest grin I have ever seen!
She is getting good at telling us what she does and does not want. Not to many actual words but lots of hand gestures and head nods. I wish you all lived alittle closer and could share the fun this little girl brings to everyone she is around.
Yesterday we went shopping for a bathroom rug and she pulled the ones she liked onto the store's floor and then got on her knees and laid down on them rubbing her cheeks on the rugs. She found the one she thought was the best and the crazy thing was that out of the kabillion rugs she pulled down the one she picked was the softest! How great is that! Okay, enjoy the pics!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jumping jack flash

What a week! Gracie learned how to jump this week. It is her favorite thing to do. She can get about 2 or so inches off the floor.
She is at that age where she is in to everything. If she gets quiet you know to go look for her and see what she has found. She still loves her books and has gotten quite fond of "Cleaning" the house. We bought her a vaccuum today. Too bad for me that it doesn't really work:-).
I've included a pic of my two nieces. Savannah can already smile and roll over and Maddy is crawling and pretty close to walking. Time sure does fly by huh? Enjoy the pics.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Just a fun flashback of Gracie the one on the right is Gracie 1 year ago today and the one on the left is from this weekend.
1 Year ago she wasn't crawling and had 0 teeth. Now she is running and jumping with 16 teeth.
Where does the time go?
Don't ya just wanna squeeze her? Love you all!

Lots of fun in short weekends...

Wow! Weekends are just too short! We sure are trying to make the most out of each weekend but they are just too short.

We have been hanging around the house and spending lots of time with our little girl. Gracie is growing up so fast we just want to ever minute we can with her.

She is learning so many words now it is hard to keep up with her. She loves to read. She still isn't too interested in t.v. so that is good for now.

We were successful in getting rid of the pacifier and now we a thinking on how to start the potty training. I have been looking up potties on the internet and there are just so many!

Okay on to the pics. Hope you enjoy them!