Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas part 2!

Pictures of us opening gifts at our house! Enjoy!

Christmas Part 1

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is having a great Christmas so far. We celbrated our first part of Christmas Saturday in SC with Zac's family. We are getting ready to sit down and open gifts at our house now. I will post some more pics soon! Mewrry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope everyone has a great holiday and all your Santa requests get fullfilled!

Love ya all,

The Johnson's

Sunday, December 17, 2006

On our way to town..

We were on our way to town and I just thought how cute she looks and had to take some pics. Love you all!

Friday, December 15, 2006

8 teeth and an apple...

Our little one had figured out how to use her teeth! Yep, she is deadly with them. Today she polished off an apple without us helping(watching of course). We can't believe how quick she is growing up on us!Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A quick note for the slide show posted below

Good evening everyone. Just wanted to say hi. Gracie help put up her first Christmas tree this weekend. She doesn't really mess with it as much as I thought she would. But she is a toddler after all and does like to touch it.
The first couple pics on the slide show is of her "black eye" she fell and hit the corner of her eye on the leg of a kitchen chair. It is actually almost healed now but it was her first real boo-boo.
She will go to the doctor on Tues. to get her 1 year check-up, shots and to get her blood tested. Not really looking forward to all those needles but I know she'll be a trooper and do awesome.
Hope all is well with everyone. Hope your Christmas shopping is going better than mine. I have barely started!
Love you all!

Oh Christmas Tree!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good morning everyone.

I just added a rather big slide show for everyone to enjoy. I have been taking alot of pictures for ya'll. Zac worked late last night so me and Gracie played in her room with all her things and boy did she have a ball. Just going from one thing to another.
As you can tell we are teaching Grace the work "no" and Lewie is getting taught by her. Lots of fun. But wow it is hard to keep a straight face when saying no and she is just giving you that grin. But I am doing better than I thought I was, not to mention if I do giggle Zac gives me "no" also. It is a learning process for us all.
Gracie has 6 teeth now and boy is she getting the chewing thing down pat. I have learned not to stick my fingers in there no matter how many time she opens her mouth to be fed. I just put it down and she will pick it up. Yesterday she chomped down on her own finger. She put up quite a fuss about it too.
She is walking really well now. Hardly ever falls. She can move around anything in her way. It is kinda funny to watch her side step things but she does.
You all take care and enjoy the pictures. I was giggling all morning while posting them.
Love you all

SOme pictures for you all.