Thursday, November 30, 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

November has been a busy month.

Hello everyone! Just a quick update. Gracie is walking now! Hip Hip Hooray! It isn't perfect but she can do plenty of steps before falling. She is also getting 3 teeth on her upper gum. She got alittle touch of a cold this week but she isn't doing too bad considering she isn't feeling all that great. We spent of Thanksgiving Day with the Campbell family. It was a great time and she got to meet all her cousins(all boys). We are trying to figure out what we will do for her first birthday on Wednesday, hopefully she will be feeling better then. Her GiGi bought her a cabbage patch kid for her birthday and as you can tell she is quite in love with it(Slober Bunny has been cast aside for now). I will post more pics soon!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

A day at the park!

We all went to the park yesterday. It was a really nice day weather wise so we took full advantage. Gracie had great fun swinging, going down the slide and exploring. She is still teething(2 teeth right now) but she is still in a rather good mood. We are lucky to have such a good baby. Hope eveyone is enjoying their weekend as much as we are.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tooth Incentives...

Just a few pics of Gracie checking out the money her great granny sent to her to convince her to cut another tooth. What can we say other than we aren't above alittle "incentive" for Gracie to do what we want. LOL
She was really interested in what the money was and was confused when we tried to put it into her piggy bank.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another tooth on the way

Hello everyone. Gracie has another tooth on the way through. It is her upper right tooth. She is still working hard on the walking, it won't be long! The sitter has taught her how to clap, she is too cute when she does it. Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Almost Walking

here are a couple of pics of the fast learning little girl. she is so close to walking on her own now, she can take a step by herself but only one.
we are hoping that she will be walking by Grandpa Campbells birthday.
enjoy the pictures