Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pumpkin time

Yep today we went to the aquarium and then we carved our pumpkins. Busy, busy. As you can see Gracie was really "helping" out by trying to eat all the stuff we took out of the pumpkin. Great fun. Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Camera fun...

As you can see we are working on the walking and we are sure it will happen any day now....

She is learning things so quickly. Sometimes it is hard for me and Zac to keep up!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Gracie and cousin Madison...

A few pics of Grace and her 3 week old cousin Madison. Gracie is actually doing really well adapting to having another baby at the house. I was kinda worried at how she would adapt but she is doing great. Other than trying to steal Maddy's bottle or taking her binkie. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I can e-mail too mom.

The pics say it all. Gracie loves to push the buttons on the laptop. I think she will be a computer wiz.
Gracie has gotten really good a knowing when she is tired and will gather up her blankie, bunny and bottle and get snuggled in for the night. This pic is from last night when she decided that Lewie's dog bed was just as good as a bed. Too funny! Enjoy!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Fun stuff...

Just some pics of Gracie. As you can see we had a fun weekend with the grandparents and great grandma. Luckily I had my camera there and was able to take some cute pictures to post. Enjoy!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Orange cutie-pie

Just had to share pics of Gracie in the outfit that either her aunt Mandy gave her or her Memaw(you have to forgive me, you guys sent such great stuff I wish I remembered who sent it for her!) Gracie is such a cutie, and what a personality to go with it. She keeps us laughing. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Can you tell I was doing alot of things while posting that last entry. Well, since I cheated everyone out of a photo by dupicating one, I decided to post another few pics. Please don't think Gracie only makes these faces now, she still smiles but when excited this is the face we get.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Standing on my own two feet

While I was in Virginia to meet my new niece Gracie decided to share standing on her own with her Daddy. So I came back to a little girl who can stand without holding on to anything and will offer a kiss to you if she feels up to it. I just can't get over how just a day or two away means missing a "first" for her. Hope all is well with everyone. By the way Gracie became a cousin twice in one day and Zac became a uncle twice and I became a aunt twice. Sept. 25 was a great day!