Friday, September 22, 2006

I wanna be like my Da-Da

As you can see Gracie is just like her Da-Da always interested in cars and how they work. Not much happens this week just a relaxing week spent enjoying our little girl. Hope everyone is getting some of this cool weather. It has been a nice change.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bye Bye.....

Gracie is almost over her first cold. It has been one LONG week. This week she learned to wave(well when she wants to).
She is still trying her hand at holding on to things and taking steps. I think she will learn to climb soon. If something interests her she tries her hardest to get to it. I think we have "baby proofed" the house completely now. You never realize all the little things you have laying around until you get a crawling baby.
Gracie will soon be getting a couple new cousins here soon, both Zac's cousin's Miranda and Wayne are awaiting little girls and my oldest sister Sam is having her little girl in the next few weeks. Babies will be everywhere and we can't wait. Enjoy!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Our first sick day

Yesterday was our first official sick day with Gracie. She has a runny nose, light cough and a fever. She was still a great baby even with being sick. It was a tough time for Zac and I since she hasn' t been sick before. I think we have made it through with only a few gray hairs.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Pretty in overalls

Just a quick picture of Gracie in her little overall dress. Too cute. We have had a lazy day today. Just hanging around the house spending time with one another. Gracie is having lots of fun chasing the cat and dog. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Laundry...well more playtime.

We had all the intentions of folding and putting up laundry but we ended up playing with Gracie for 25 mins and throwing the laundry back into a basket. Guess that will be our weekend job. Enjoy the pics.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Hello everyone. I am on my toes this week and have taken and uploaded some more pics for you all to enjoy. Gracie is harrassing the cat and dog today, chasing them around the house. Loads of entertainment.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Too cute...

Too cute is all I can say. Gracie makes us smile and laugh constantly. She is starting to take steps now. I don't think walking is too far in the future. Enjoy!