Thursday, August 31, 2006

21 lbs, 29 inches

Gracie is 9 months old! Where has the time went? She is getting really good at standing and sitting without hitting her head. She is always got something on her mind. She loves to investigate everything. No specific words yet but oh can she tell stories. Enough words on with the pictures!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Yummy juice boxes and hot dogs. Can't beat it. Gracie is doing great. Today she "waved" at her daddy. A great way to start a day.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Oscar Mayer...

Gracie has found out a new food group, Hot Dogs! Yep, she is a hot dog eater now. She is perfected crawling and is well on her way to walking. She will pullk herself up now and sort of take a step or two.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Crawling is hard work

As you can see Gracie is having way too much fun. She sometimes doesn'twant to stop what she is doing and fights sleep. She is really good at crawling now. She has 2 beautiful teeth and is already figuring out what they are for. Lets just say Mom & Dad have gotten their fingers bitten a few times. Can't wait for our next milestone, walking.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I forgot to announce Gracie's tooth.....

Yep, I was so excited about the crawling that I forgot to mention the tooth. But now I can announce her second tooth. So, Gracie can crawl and chew now!! Very productive week. I haven't been able to get a picture of her tooth, it is very elusive right now, but give me time...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Aug 3 --- Official date of Gracie's first crawl

She did it, Gracie crawled! Her GiGi is in town so she got to share this "first" with us. Very exciting! Since she was on the move I had a hard time catching a good picture so I am gonna share the best ones.