Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Gracie is like alittle acrobat. She just is always rolling around and flipping, she is so much fun to watch. I thought for sure the other day she was going to crawl but she faked me out and just flipped over. She has no problem getting around though. She will wiggle her way to what she wants, although she goes backwards much better than forward.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Gracie's grin

Just wanted to share a couple pics of Gracie's grin. I hardly ever can catch it on camera but I was lucky and got a few to share. Please excuse Zac, the boy just won't keep a shirt on... lol.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Blankies are the best....

I am sure that everyone now knows about Gracie's blankie. Where she goes it goes and vice versa. Anyone can be her best friend as long as they are holding the blankie. So, I decided for those who can not or who have not had the honor, I thought I would show you what Gracie's blankie looks like(okay she is in the picture too!) Her GiGi made us a spare blankie last week, hooray, it is the "clone" of the first and past all Gracie's test so far. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Popsicles and crawling....

We are really trying to be patient and wait for Gracie to crawl but it is so hard. She can push up, bring her knees up, wiggle her little rump and that is it. But hey it is gonna happen and soon, but we just want her to do it now. of course, a week later we will be like "what were we thinking?" Enjoy the pics!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Can you tell which picture was taken when I just woke up?

Just a few pics. Not much new happening. We are still trying to get the crawling thing to happen. Gracie can lay on her stomach and slide across the floor. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. We all went to the beach to watch fireworks. Gracie did really well and we think she enjoyed.