Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I want my cheezy poof.........

Had to share some pics of Gracie eating "cheezy poofs" as Zac calls them, the rest of the world calls them cheese puffs.
She loves cheese puffs and animal crackers. Although she likes to chew on cucumber slices too, I guess they feel good on her gums.
Enjoy, and yes you can laugh.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy girl!

We have decided to have a lazy weekend. No traveling, just gonna hang around the house. Hope everyone else is having a great weekend too.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pool time!

We had a great weekend with Pop-pop Dave and Memaw Wanda and Granny Pauline. Zac and Dave took Gracie for a swim in the pool. I think they all had a good time while we watched and took pictures. Enjoy the pics.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Waiting on a tooth..

We are waiting for Gracie's first tooth to break through. She has been chewing on anything that will fit in her mouth and there is lots of drool. Fun stuff. She is sitting up like a pro now. Still no crawling action but I know that will happen soon enough. She almost can hold her bottle by herself now and can use a sippy cup when in her high chair. Can you tell my goal is to get rid of that bottle as soon as possible! Enjoy!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

2nd trip to VA

Gracie and I took a weekend trip to VA. She was introduced to a few more relatives. She is becoming quite the social butterfly. She won the hearts and smiles of many while we were there. Her cousins have a pet donkey and Gracie was quite amused by it. Had to share some pictures. Gracie is definitely an animal lover, just ask Lilo and Zoey(Dave & Wanda's dogs). The second picture is Gracie and my oldest sister SamHope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 4

Hello everyone. Just a few pics. Gracie had her little buddy Joseph (8mos) over today. We all had great fun in the pool. Gracie enjoyed all the company. It was a great day! Enjoy.