Thursday, March 30, 2006

4 months

4 months, 25 1/2 inches long and 16.3 lbs. Yep Gracie is growing like a weed. Not much going on just trying to get Gracie sitting up by herself and turning over.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's highchair time.

As you can see we have decided to try out the highchair. Gracie seems to enjoy being in the kitchen with us while we are cooking or eating. We will go to the doctor next week for her 4 month check-up. I am pretty sure we have to get another round of shots. Wish us luck.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Lazy days...

Hello everyone. We have had the nicest weather this weekend and boy have we enjoyed it. Gracie has been outside several times this weekend and it was so nice we didn't have to have her all bundled up. Hope everyone was a lucky as us with such a perfect weekend.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Attack of the bunny slippers.....

Okay you know how people give you the cutest things while your are pregnant, then somehow in the fastlane of parenthood these cute little things get misplaced(in this case in the drawer with the multitude of clothes that are way too big at this point). Well I found the first thing that was purchased for Gracie. A cute pair of bunny slipper bought by our friend Brenda. So I decided to try them out. The pictures speak for themselves. Gracie was so focused on these things on her feet. At first she looked then she just kicked and kicked. Just had to share.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Swinging, always swinging

Here are some pics of Gracie. As you can tell she is getting good with her hands. She is getting good at grabbing stuff these days. She can kick pretty good too. Enjoy.